What We Do​

T-shirt Print Design

Garment design

Techpack design

Concept Design

Trims Designing

Packaging Design

Fabric Checks Design

The Why's

Why Apparel Design Matters for a Clothing Brand ?

Strong apparel design isn't just about aesthetics; it's a fundamental pillar for any successful clothing brand. Here's a glimpse into the data that underscores its importance:

1. First Impressions Make a Difference:75% of consumers judge a product's quality based solely on its appearance
- Attractive product design can increase the willingness to pay by 10% - 20%

2. Design Impacts Purchase Decisions: - 38% of shoppers cite product design as the most important factor when making a purchase

3. Apparel Design Influences Brand Perception: - Strong design builds brand trust and loyalty
4. Design Drives Sales & Market Share: - Brands with well-designed products experience higher customer retention and repeat purchases

5. Design Matters Across All Industries:Regardless of your target audience or niche, attractive and functional apparel design can significantly improve your brand's performance.
Consumer Willing to pay upto 20% high
Design factors during purchase

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